Pages (2022) is a collection of thirty works on paper and canvas about change cycles.

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About Pages

Pages (2022) is a collection of thirty works on paper and canvas that focuses on change cycles and mirrors natural and artificial structures that we experience in our daily lives (e.g., mirroring the lunar cycle, the three segments of a 90-min REM cycle or the structure of society’s ~30 day/12-month annual calendar, etc.).  The importance of the making process is to mirror the meditation and transformative discomfort that it takes to not only activate but complete a change cycle.

Several of the pieces are accompanied by literary quotes to pay homage to the authors and activists whose work was pivotal in my journey as a scholar and especially as a white-identifying, cis-gendered woman who tasked herself with re-learning American history and to start a conversation about what it means to identify as white in modern-day America.  This collection unpacks the relationship between art, equity, activism, and transformation, as learned through my lived experiences.


Looking Glass (2020-2021)